A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue protrudes through a weakness in the muscle or the tissue of the abdominal wall. Hernias can be painful for the patient or result in other complications such as strangulation.
There are a number of commonly seen hernias;
Groin hernias / “inguinal” hernia: These are more common in men and present with a lump in the groin which can be one sided or involve two sides. Surgery for these can be keyhole or open surgery.
Femoral hernia: These small hernias are groin hernias which can be very painful. They are particularly at risk of strangulation. These are more common in older women.
Umbilical /Paraumbilical/Epigastric hernia: these are usually small and located near the belly button. These can be repaired with open or keyhole surgery and sometimes require the use of a mesh to reinforce them.
Incisional hernia: These are hernias that have developed following previous surgery. They can be quite large and are at risk of strangulation. These can be treated with keyhole surgery but sometimes require a larger open operation to treat the hernia.